People First: Practicing Accessibility One Contact at a Time Mark Sweet Trainer & Consultant Disability Rights Wisconsin 608 267 0214 Winter 2016 It’s not only buildings that can be inaccessible People can be Inaccessible My Strength / My Intention I Listen … I Empower … I Advocate … I Support … My Strength / Intention a Her/His POV (point of view) a they tell me what to do a they give permission, or not a for what they want for me or think I need; their timeline a when I do what they want, sometimes they dismiss me £ I’m just trying to help £ If I had known, I could have… I would not have… R Humility R Mindfulness (Attention) The intention to be… (helpful) is not always understood or experienced as… (help) Ú Experience is in the body; nervous system Ú Understanding is based on learning & past events the intention to be … informative … encouraging … trustworthy … respectful r Adults with developmental disabilities had 3X the rate of physical or sexual abuse as other adults r 80% of psychiatric inpatients & 68% of outpatients reported physical or sexual abuse in their lifetime Trauma as effects of an event(s) on the nervous system & thinking as they relate to feelings of (un)safety Developmental Trauma as effects that emerge later with new information & understanding a Accumulated effects of others having power & control over you (e.g. placements, goals, rules, schedules, behavior plans) “Trauma Informed” g Services g Care g Supports g Organizations … now what Thinking } If something interfered…? Energy / Mood Regulation } If you couldn't quickly adjust to situations or expectations …? r Who might have trouble with thinking and energy / mood regulation? People living with } intellectual disabilities } autism } brain injuries & other changes } thought disorders } mood disorders } sexual assault / interpersonal abuse } trauma (Interpersonal) ACCESS includes ¢ how you are experienced & understood ¢ one contact at a time ¢ from her/his POV …now what R Trauma & Power Aware Interactions POV È You È Other ] time & schedule ] activity & goals ] expectations ] what’s ‘appropriate’ ] what’s wrong à wanting energy È Your POV È Other’s POV — time & schedule — thoughts, senses — activity — interests, concerns — expectations — coping & history — rules — understanding — what’s wrong — emotions æ wanting energy vs. wanting energy å g control in support relationships g brain lock Brains Lock g when we Characterize } out of control } aggressive } angry } lazy, doesn’t care } difficult } manipulative } doing it for attention } has challenges g use population talk a Characterizations Subvert Access Babies: sounds, facial expressions, gestures & movement Adults: curious detectives, interpreters Ê to help them cope, assert & accomplish ]Babies g Children … (disability) Ê curiosity g judgment Ê lead with characterizations & diagnoses Behavior = Action (everything we do) Ê in context = Coping = Asserting = Trying to Accomplish Bottom-Up mind vs. Top-Down mind Thinking Fast vs. Thinking Slow Old Brain vs. New Brain Old Brain Emotional, fast, automatic New Brain Rational, slower, deliberate r Old Brain can Overrule New Brain & reduce attention to another person rHow do you want to engage? Reactive Automatic Habitual ImpulsiveJudgmentalYour POV Cue Ð Í Reactive ResponsivePresent ListeningFlexible Curious Her/His POV Cue Ð Í Responsive To better appreciate her/his POV … ask R What are you seeing or hearing …? R When is s/he more likely to …? R What does s/he probably understand …? R What is s/he probably experiencing (sensations) and feeling (emotions)? R What is s/he trying to cope with, assert or accomplish? R What might be helpful? a Trying to be accessible — is not an add-on — is not a special occasion switch a We do not need proof of harm a Accessible is what we strive to be, one contact at a time, with everyone 1: When are you more likely to be out of your comfort zone or slip into automatic; When are you chunking? 2: What adjustments might help you to be more attentive a accessible? 3: What reminders will help you to practice those adjustments; to be more accessible one contact at time? Free resources: a Access from an Interpersonal Angle a Creating Safety by asking what makes people vulnerable? a Conversations about Interpersonal Safety a When Deaf & Hearing Meet (parts 1 & 2) click: publications search: (title)