Family Law Survival Kit: Tipping the scales in favor of DV survivors who have mental health concerns Alison Iser Project Manager, Domes1c Violence and Mental Health Collabora1on Project Coali1on Ending Gender-Based Violence Judy Lin Senior Managing A@orney Family Law Pro Bono Programs King County Bar Founda1on Susie Winston Director of Child and Family Services Sound Mental Health Nov. 1, 2016 The DomesDc Violence and Mental Health CollaboraDon Project DV/MH Collabora1on Project Please post your answers in the chat box How are survivors’ mental health symptoms used against them in protec7on order and family law cases? DV/MH Collabora1on Project DOMESTIC VIOLENCE / COERCIVE CONTROL DV/MH Collabora1on Project Mental Health Coercion Survey Results Gasligh1ng Called "crazy" 86% 74% Threatened to report "craziness" to authori1es Sought MH support 53% 50% From The Na1onal Center on Domes1c Violence, 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Trauma & Mental Health DV/MH Collabora1on Project DV, Safety & Mental Health Improves Improves Safety MHSafety Worsens MHWorsens DV/MH Collabora1on Project Family Law Toolkits ToolsAdvocatesMHProviders A\orneys Survivors DV/MH Collabora1on Project Accessing the Toolkits 1. Goto our website 2. Select Projects & Tools 3. Select Domes1c Violence & Mental Health Collabora1on Project 4. Scroll down for links to Toolkits DV/MH Collabora1on Project DV/MH Collabora1onProject DV/MH Collabora1onProject Financial Resources Template DV/MH Collabora1on Project Please post your answers in the chat box What barriers do DV survivors who have mental health concerns face when involved in protec7on order or family law cases? DV/MH Collabora1on Project Survivor Tools for Accessibility Language& DisabilityAccessImmigraDon FAQsWords Ma:erourglossary DV/MH Collabora1on Project Language & Disability Access Tool DV/MH Collabora1on Project ImmigraDon FAQ’s Tool I wassoafraidtodoanythingorgoanywherebecausemyhusbandkept tellingmethat I was“illegal”anddidnot haveanyrights.Hewouldtellmethat ifI calledthepoliceI wouldget arrestedanddeported.Hetoldmethat ifI triedtoleavehim,I wouldlosemychildrenbecauseI was“illegal.”AEergoingtoadomes7c violenceadvocate,whotalkedtomeabout myrights,gavemeahandout andreferredmetotheNorthwest Immigrant RightsProject,I wasabletobreathebeJer,andI didcallthepoliceaEermyhusbandbeat meup.I nowunderstandthat hewasusingmyimmigra7onstatusasatooltomanipulateme.I am nowapermanent legalresident,divorced,andhavefullcustodyofmychildren. - A domes1c violence survivor DV/MH Collabora1on Project Words Ma:er, our project glossary DV/MH Collabora1on Project Survivor Tools for Understanding DV/OpDons DV DefiniDonsComparisonCourt Orders Comparison DVPO Info DV/MH Collabora1on Project DV/MH Collabora1on Project Court Orders Comparison Chart DV/MH Collabora1on Project DV ProtecDon Order Info Tool DV/MH Collabora1on Project Survivor Tools Regarding Custody ParenDng ResourcesFamilyLawEvaluaDons ParenDng Evaluators ComparisonFamilyCourtsServices Q&A DV/MH Collabora1on Project ParenDng Resources Tool DV/MH Collabora1on Project Family Law EvaluaDons Tool DV/MH Collabora1on Project ParenDng Evaluators Comparison Chart DV/MH Collabora1on Project Family Court Services Q&A DV/MH Collabora1on Project Survivor Tools for Survival FinancialResourcesCoping SkillsSongs for Surviving theFamilyLawProcess DV/MH Collabora1on Project Financial Resources Tool DV/MH Collabora1on Project Coping Skills Tool DV/MH Collabora1onProject Songs for Surviving the Family Law Process DV/MH Collabora1on Project Survivor Tools for ConnecDng to Service Providers MHTreatmentResourcesDVAdvocacyResourcesLegal Resources DV/MH Collabora1on Project Mental Health Treatment Resources Tool DV/MH Collabora1on Project DV Advocacy Resources Tool Legal Resources Tool DV/MH Collabora1on Project Please post your answers in the chat box What do service providers need to know to beJer meet the needs of DV survivors who have mental health concerns & are involved in protec7on order or family law cases? DV/MH Collabora1on Project Tools for MH Service Providers DV DocumentaDonTips Preparing DV SurvivorsForCustodyEvaluaDons DV/MH Collabora1on Project DV DocumentaDon Tips Tool DV/MH Collabora1on Project Preparing DomesDc Violence Survivors for Custody EvaluaDons Guide DV/MH Collabora1on Project Tools for A\orneys Keeping theFocusonDV: A RelaDveRisksGuideSafety Planning with DV Survivors Supplement to NaDonalA\orneysHandbook DV/MH Collabora1on Project Keeping the Focus on DV: A Rela1ve Risks Guide for A@orneys Represen1ng Survivors DV/MH Collabora1on Project DV/MH Collabora1on Project DV/MH Collabora1on Project Supplement to Represen7ng Domes7c Violence Survivors Who Are Experiencing Trauma and Other Mental Health Challenges: A Handbook for AJorneys DV/MH Collabora1on Project Tools for Advocates To Tell or Not To Tell? Deciding Whether toDiscloseMHConcernsinDVPO&FamilyLaw Cases WhenProtecDve Behaviors are Seen as Harmful DV/MH Collabora1on Project To Tell or Not to Tell? Deciding Whether to Disclose Mental Health Concerns in Protec1on Order & Family Law Cases DV/MH Collabora1on Project To Tell or Not To Tell? cards DV/MH Collabora1on Project When ProtecDve Behaviors are Seen as Harmful Arguments for ProtecDve Behaviors ProtecDve Behaviors Seeking a Domes1c Violence Protec1on Order (DVPO) that includes the children Contac1ng Child Protec1ve Services (CPS) and making a child abuse report alleging that the other parent has harmed the children Talking to the child about their safety There is a fear for the children’s safety because of violence or a threat. The child has expressed harm and as a responsible parent the survivor is addressing the concern. Survivor has been told by a professional (e.g., doctor) to call CPS. The survivor wants to ensure that the child is aware of safety boundaries and knows how to get help, if needed. DV/MH Collabora1on Project DV/MH Collabora1on Project Please post your answers in the chat box How will you u7lize the Family Law Toolkits? DV/MH Collabora1on Project Thank you! Learn more at h@p:// health-collabora1on-project/ (scroll down for toolkits) This project is supported by Grant No. 2014-FW-AX-K010 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Jus1ce. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommenda1ons expressed in this workshop are thoseof the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theDepartment of Jus1ce, Office on Violence Against Women. DV/MH Collabora1on Project