Criminal Justice Personnel

  • Understanding and Reaching Formerly Incarcerated Survivors with Disabilities

    People with disabilities are over-represented in our nation’s jails and prisons. And, most people who serve time in jail or prison were victims of some type of harm or abuse …
  • Interviewing Survivors with Disabilities

    Survivors of sexual violence with disabilities have unique needs when being interviewed as part of a criminal justice response. It is important that interviews balance a trauma informed approach with …
  • Sexual Victimization of Men with Disabilities and Deaf Men: A National Snapshot

    The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines disability as any “physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.”1 Major life activities include seeing, hearing, reading, …
  • Promoting Accessibility and Accountability: Law Enforcement and Survivors with Disabilities and Deaf Survivors

    It is important that law enforcement officers are aware of best practices when serving survivors with disabilities and Deaf survivors to ensure that their response to these survivors is effective …
  • The ADA@25: Impact and Implications for People with Disabilities Involved in the Justice System

    In conjuncture with the 25th anniversary of the signing of the American’s with Disabilities Act, the Center on Victimization released this factsheet that reflects on the impact this legislation had …
  • Culture, Language, and Access: Serving Deaf Survivors

    Recent research suggests that Deaf women experience higher rates of sexual and domestic violence than their hearing counterparts, but are often shut off from victim services and supports that are …