The spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the rapidly evolving circumstances in which we find ourselves present an opportunity for us to come together and tackle these unprecedented challenges. Survivors need victim services now more than ever. Protecting against the spread of COVID-19 is creating new dynamics and barriers to services for survivors. It is also creating an urgent call to action for advocacy programs.

To help you help others, we are developing new resources, answering your pressing questions, and providing other links to outside organizations that might be valuable at this time. As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions or needs.

Our Resources

Victim services are evolving at a rapid pace in response to the COVID-19 health crisis. We have resources to support you, including recordings of our national strategy sessions, webinars on critical topics, and tip sheets. Use the search engine to find the resources you need.


To ensure survivors from underserved communities are at the center of all COVID-19 response efforts, we need to better understand the impact this health crisis is having on survivors’ needs and better resource the crime victim services field to respond to their needs. That is why we hosted a series of listening sessions designed to surface the unique challenges facing survivors from specific underserved communities and to identify solutions. We are in the process of getting answers to questions asked during those sessions.

Use our new FAQ search to find the answers to questions you may also be asking and check back as we will be updating these weekly. You can either search by exact keyword or you can use one of the three drop down menus to find the topic of most interest to you. And feel free to email us with any new questions at

Additional Links and Resources

In addition to the resources we are creating, below are some additional resources and links that may be valuable as you navigate these challenging times.


General Information About COVID-19

For accurate, up-to-date information about COVID-19, please refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) website:




Explore the CDC resources in additional languages

What You Need to Know about the Coronavirus (in American Sign Language) – YouTube video from the New York Mayor’s Office 

Plain language information about COVID-19 – Green Mountain Self-Advocates 

Spanish plain language information about COVID-19 – Green Mountain Self-Advocates 

What is the Coronavirus? – educational material for people with autism – The Autism Educator 


General Resources to Plan, Prepare, and Respond to COVID-19  

CDC Resources for Your Home 

CDC Resources for Businesses and Employers 

CDC Community Guidance for Schools/Organizations/Communities

CDC Resources for Community- and Faith-Based Leaders 

CDC Resources for Homeless Shelters 

Links to state and U.S. territorial health department websites 

Directory of local health departments in all fifty states 


Resources for Providing Remote Services

The COVID-19 Pandemic & Digital Services Toolkit – by Safety Net Project, National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) 

How to Operate as a Remote Workplace During a Public Health Crisis – by NNEDV 

Tech Safety and Other Resources – by NNEDV

Accessibility and Technology Tips for Virtual Events and Engagements


Resources Related to Homelessness 

Health Preparedness for Homeless Assistance Providers – by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)  

Infectious Disease Toolkit for Continuums of Care: Preventing & Managing the Spread of Infectious Disease Within Shelters – HUD 

Coronavirus Disease 2019: What Supportive Housing Providers Need to Know – Corporation for Supportive Housing 

Coronavirus and the Health Care for the Homeless Council Community: Status Updates, Available Guidance, Local Preparations, and Outstanding Issues – 3/20/20 webinar by the National Health Care for the Homeless Council

List of resources about coronavirus and housing/homelessness compiled by the National Low Income Housing Coalition 


Resources  Related to Domestic Violence 

Emergency Preparedness Toolkit: A Guide for Domestic Violence Organizations – California Partnership to End Domestic Violence 

COVID-19: Coalition Guidance for [Domestic Violence] Programs – NNEDV 

Special collection of resources about gender-based violence and disaster compiled by the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence 


Community-Specific Resources 

What do Older Adults and People with Disabilities Need to Know? – Administration for Community Living  

Information on COVID-19 and Pregnant Women and Children – CDC 

First Responders and Disaster Responders Resource Portal  SAMHSA 

Cultural Awareness When Working in Indian Country Post Disaster: Tips for Disaster Responders – YouTube video with captions  SAMHSA 

Making Shelters Safe for Transgender Evacuees – National Center for Transgender Equality  

Coronavirus and Our Community: Resources and Recommendations for People with Developmental Disabilities and their Families – Disability Voices United 

Video about language access rights in medical settings – Latino Community Fund of Georgia 

Guide for Effective Communication in Health Care – Hearing Loss Association of America 


Wellness and Mental Health 

Smiles for the Soul: The Advocate’s Scrapbook of Strength, Wisdom & Wellness technical assistance bundle – National Resource Center on Domestic Violence 

COVID-19: Managing Anxiety & Stress – CDC  

Taking Care of Your Behavioral Health During an Infectious Disease Outbreak: Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) 

Disaster Behavioral Health Information Series Resource Collections – SAMHSA  

Helping Children Cope with Emergencies (English) – CDC 

Helping Children Cope with Emergencies (Spanish)   CDC 

How to Cope with Sheltering in Place (English) – SAMHSA 

How to Cope with Sheltering in Place (Spanish) – SAMHSA 

Resources and research related to pandemics compiled by the American Psychological Association 


Hotlines for Survivors

The National Domestic Violence Hotline is 24/7, confidential and free: 1-800-799-7233 and throughchat. 

The National Sexual Assault Hotline is 24/7, confidential and free: 800-656-4673 and throughchat. 

The StrongHearts Native Helpline for domestic/sexual violence is available 7am-10pm CT, confidential, and specifically for Native communities: 1−844-762-8483. 

The Trans LifeLine for peer support for trans folks 9am-3am CT: 1-877-565-8860 This hotline is staffed exclusively by trans operators is the only crisis line with a policy against non-consensual active rescue. 

National Parent Helpline Monday -Friday 12pm-9am CT emotional support and advocacy for parents: 1-855-2736. 

VictimConnect helpline, providing confidential referrals for victim services, is operating 12-5pm EST for phone calls: 1-855-484-2846 and online chat